Transition Year, which is designed to be a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate, is the first of a three-year Senior Cycle programme. Students are offered the opportunity to mature and develop without the pressure of an examination. Students learn more about their talents, abilities, and attitudes to others and society. Students acquire new skills which prepare them for the demands of the adult world of work, further education, higher education and relationships. A wide variety of teaching and learning methods are used in the classroom such as group or teamwork, project work, visiting speakers, field trips, personal responsibility for learning, workexperience and community service, computer based learning, oral presentations and demonstrations. Assessment is carried out on an ongoing basis and can include school-based assessment and projects, portfolios, oral, aural, practical and written activities.
The Transition Year Programme in Ellenfield Community College includes English, Mathematics, French, Irish Language and Culture, Geographical and Historical Studies, Business, Enterprise Studies, Art, Home Economics, Practical Cookery, Computer Studies, Environmental Studies, Personal Development and Philosophy, Religious Studies.